
Ron Rabinovitz

Today Ron Rabinovitz lives with his family in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He works part-time for the Minnesota Twins, speaking to school groups up to 30 times a year at Target Field, where he gladly shares his story. He travels the country speaking to corporations, non-profit organizations and schools as he incorporates an inspiring message into his talks on diversity and inclusion as it relates to his Jackie Robinson story. Ron’s story has been featured in numerous media outlets across the country including USA Today, CBS Evening News, ESPN, CBS Radio, National Public Radio, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times and the Los Angeles Times. In 2013, Ron was interviewed by Larry King on his show Larry King Now. You can find that 16 minute interview here. Ron has written a children’s book entitled “Always Jackie,” due for release in April 2020. For more information or to contact Ron, visit his website at