
Support • Subscribe • Share

SAF-79 (1)

by Mark Jent

Since the official launch of Simply A Fan in July, we have been encouraged by the support of family, friends – both long time friends and those we are just meeting as a result of this adventure- THANK YOU! Now with the playoffs over and the season behind us, we often get asked, “So now what are you doing to do until baseball season starts back?” In addition to continuing with our other start-up business, 2×2 Global, which is also in year one, the answer for Simply A Fan is pretty simple…we are going to build.

We will build and then, when we think we’re done building, we will build some more. We are going to relentlessly pour energy into building the brand and the business model for Simply A Fan so that when MLB Opening Day 2019 arrives on March 27th (just to be precise!), we can look at the offseason and know that we’ve done everything within our capacity to do the work that is necessary for any start-up family-owned business to succeed.

Yes, I am getting to go on multiple baseball adventures. Yes, I am having fun going to games and traveling with family and friends on these trips. Yes, I may be out of the ordinary because I love meeting complete strangers along the way who become friends! Yes, I thoroughly enjoy leading people on baseball trips where the camaraderie and fellowship within the group before and after the game is often more important than the actual play of nine innings on the field.

As Simply A Fan looks ahead, here is how we could tangibly use your support: subscribe and share. If you are not already receiving the Simply A Fan newsletter, please subscribe! Your subscription to the mailing list not only shows your support, but it will keep you updated on all of the latest stories and upcoming adventures as those on the mailing list almost always receive the information first! To subscribe, click the button below, it will take you 30 seconds to click through the fill-in-the-blanks on the form. Like all email newsletters these days, if it ever gets too much and begins to feel like “baseball spam”, guess what – with a click of a button, you can easily unsubscribe!

As you look ahead to your own 2019 personal or family adventures, Simply A Fan will be releasing it’s 2019 trip schedule the week of November 12th. With a full slate of 15 trips on the preliminary docket, you will have the chance to hit three home openers during MLB Opening Week, to see Prince Albert’s return to the Arch and if you want to grab your passport, Simply A Fan will take you to see the London Bridge in June! Now that you’ve been teased with a few highlights – we encourage you to subscribe and share!


Featured image: 
August 2018 • Suntrust Park
Simply A Fan • Father/Son Trip
photo by Justin Wright Photography

2 Comments on “Support • Subscribe • Share

justin wright
October 31, 2018 at 11:15 am

Proud of you guys. Love the spirit of this post. Keep building and providing opportunities for lovers of the game to create amazing memories.

Mark Jent
October 31, 2018 at 9:17 pm

Thank you Justin Wright! Thanks for making August 12th a special day for Simply A Fan and I look forward to sharing your photo gallery soon!

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